California GPA
- UCGPARev3Documentation 20150313.pdf - Documentation on how Valley calculates the California GPAs
- Revision 3 from March 2015 to include the cap on added value to 8 semesters. Updated 3/13/2015 to include instructions if your course credit structure is different than 1.0 for yearlong classes.
- California GPAs Documentation Example from Valley Christian - includes how VCS calculates CIF, CalGrant and CalState/UC GPAs.
- CalGrant Export Template - Sample CalGrant Export template from Valley. Modify columns for your school, such as the School Code.
General GPA
- GPA HonorRoll ClassRank.pdf - GPA, Honor Roll and Class Rank Presentation from PSUG Las Vegas
Troubleshooting GPA
- GPA Troubleshooting PSUG Vegas 2016.pdf - Troubleshooting GPA Presentation from PSUG Las Vegas
- Supporting Documents for Troubleshooting presentation
- Fun with gpa.pdf
- GPA Examples.xls - zip format, unzip for Excel version
- Supporting Documents for Troubleshooting presentation
Special GPA Methods
- QuickLookupGPA.pdf - Method for adding additional information to the Quick Lookup screen.
- - Cumulative Change over time GPA method.
- - GPA method to display grade count bar chart. This zip file include the red and blue bar images that need to be uploaded to your images folder. This method also works around the XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) error the previous method generated in newer versions of PowerSchoool.