Main Page
California PowerSchool User Groups
We are in the process of moving the content to this new wiki.
Visit the old site at where everything will remain until the move is complete.
Table of Contents
- Content Directory - A listing of all the main pages on this wiki.
Next Meeting
- October 19, 2018, Gardena. (Hosted by CSMC)
Highlighted Resources
- Enhancement Requests - Visit this page to help vote up enhancement requests important to our group. Post your enhancement requests for others to vote up.
- State Reporting Info on PowerSource - This folder contains California user guides and release notes, as well as when the next conference call will be.
- PowerSource California Forum - The best place to discuss California issues online. Use the "Watch" feature to have new posts sent to your email.
- State Reporting - page on this wiki for collecting information and resources for State Reporting.
- Resources and Links - More comprehensive resources and links page
- Subscribe to the PSUG-CAL Email List