PowerQueries Presentation
- PowerQueries and Data Export Manager Presentation - Presentation from October 21, 2017 meeting.
- PowerQuery Example (Birthdays) - Very simple example of a PowerQuery for learning purposes.
Valley Christian PowerQueries
These PowerQueries are in use at Valley Christian, they may not work "as is" for your school, and are provided as real-life examples.
- jss_classes_1_a.zip - JAMF Classes
- ASM_1_0.zip - Apple School Manager (Example of 6 queries in one plugin)
- hmh_1_0.zip - HMH ThinkCentral (PowerQuery portion)
HMH ThinkCentral Additional Info | |
The Auto-Send portion of our HMH Think Central Integration for student records - this is the field list. We used Auto-Send for part of it because student passwords are not exportable through PowerQuery. |
~(f.add;~(curyearid);1990) ~(decode;1;1;S;) student_number blank first_name middle_name last_name ^(decode;^(grade_level);-1;PK;0;K;^(grade_level)) student_web_id student_web_password ~(decode;1;1;MDR;) ~(decode;1;1;01429045;) blank ~(decode;1;1;TC;) |
Example | Example |