Main Page
California PowerSchool User Groups
We are in the process of moving the content to this new wiki.
Table of Contents
Click above for a listing of all the main pages on this wiki.
Visit the old site at where everything will remain until the move is complete.
Next Meeting
PSUG SoCal - Our next meeting (tentatively) is May 11, 2018 in Antelope Valley, CA
Highlighted Resources
- Enhancement Requests - Visit this page to help vote up enhancement requests important to our group. Post your enhancement requests for others to vote up.
- State Reporting Info on PowerSource - This folder contains California user guides and release notes, as well as when the next conference call will be.
- PowerSource California Forum - The best place to discuss California issues online. Use the "Watch" feature to have new posts sent to your email.
- Resources and Links - More comprehensive resources and links page
- Subscribe to the PSUG-CAL Email List